Recoil XI
Recoil XI
Recoil XI
Recoil XI
Recoil XI
Recoil XI
Recoil XI
Recoil XI
Recoil XI
Recoil XI

Recoil XI


Art. No. 50074022

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RRP €49.95 2
€19.95 1

Recoil XI Mx-Goggle

The classic Recoil Xi goggles have been relaunched with bright colors, a redesigned strap and improved face foam. They are now equipped with a double-layer face foam, a durable strap with silicone and a WORKS lens - making them the goggles of choice in terms of comfort and durability.
  • Fit: Regular
  • Lens snap-in system
  • 2-layer molded face shield
  • Durable strap with silicone
  • SCOTT TruView WORKS lens
  • NoFog anti-fog coating
Manufacturer: SCOTT SPORTS AG | Gutenbergstrasse 27 | 85748 Garching-Hochbrück | Deutschland |
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