Motorcycle Rainwear Accessories

Motorcycle Rainwear Accessories

A complete set of rain gear should also includes rain gloves and rain boots, or rain covers for your normal boots. At Louis you will find latex overgloves and overboots, for example. Or PVC-coated boot covers. Tip: It is best to buy these overgloves/overboots at least one size larger than normal. If you're in any doubt, you can order two different sizes from Louis online and try them out. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like. Specially for scooters, the Louis range includes rain aprons and handlebar muffs.

Rain Glove Latex, Pair
RRP €19.95 €14.951
product rainboots
RRP €19.99 €9.991
product Rainboots
Silicone Rain Overboots
Motorcycle Rainwear Accessories

A complete set of rain gear should also includes rain gloves and rain boots, or rain covers for your normal boots. At Louis you will find latex overgloves and overboots, for example. Or PVC-coated boot covers. Tip: It is best to buy these overgloves/overboots at least one size larger than normal. If you're in any doubt, you can order two different sizes from Louis online and try them out. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like. Specially for scooters, the Louis range includes rain aprons and handlebar muffs.

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