Work Clothing

Work Clothing

The right work clothes are essential when you're working on your motorbike. Work gloves not only keep your hands clean, but also protect against injury. Important: Workshop gloves should be elastic and close-fitting so that you have good tactile feel. Protective goggles and a face mask protect your eyes and face against fine dust, paint particles and flying sparks. Finally, your work clothes should include a pair of workshop overalls, which you don't have to worry about keeping clean.

Operation Suit
RRP €59.90 €44.391
product Workshop
RRP €3.99 €1.991
Workshop glove
Work Clothing

The right work clothes are essential when you're working on your motorbike. Work gloves not only keep your hands clean, but also protect against injury. Important: Workshop gloves should be elastic and close-fitting so that you have good tactile feel. Protective goggles and a face mask protect your eyes and face against fine dust, paint particles and flying sparks. Finally, your work clothes should include a pair of workshop overalls, which you don't have to worry about keeping clean.

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