Motorcycle Chain Care Products

Motorcycle Chain Care Products

There's more to chain care than just a can of chain spray. So Louis offers everything you need to keep your chain in top condition - from chain cleaners and various brush systems through to the electronically controlled Scottoiler lubrication system. After all, proper chain care means better performance, longer life and a smoother ride.

Belt Care 150 ml
Louis Care
(1 l = €53.271)
C5 Chain Paste
RRP €14.99 €7.991
(1 l = €53.271)
Louis Care
Sauber Sepp
White Chain Spray
Louis Care
(1 l = €22.651)
Motorcycle Chain Care Products

There's more to chain care than just a can of chain spray. So Louis offers everything you need to keep your chain in top condition - from chain cleaners and various brush systems through to the electronically controlled Scottoiler lubrication system. After all, proper chain care means better performance, longer life and a smoother ride.

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