Motorcycle Brake Pads

Motorcycle Brake Pads

Brake pads consist of a mixture of different materials. So-called organic brake pads are made mainly from carbon compounds. Sintered metal brake pads, on the other hand, contain metallic components fused or sintered under high pressure. Which brake pads works best on which motorbike depends on the brake disc, for example, but also on the tuning of the ABS system. The rider's personal preferences also plays a role. In any event, you can be certain that Louis only sells brake pads that function reliably on the particular motorbike.

Brake Pads
RRP €19.99 from €11.991
Brake Pads Cm44 Sinter
RRP €34.99 €27.991
Brake Pads Sinter-Race Cm46
RRP €42.99 €34.991
Brake-Pads Organic
RRP €12.99 from €7.991
Brake-Pads Organic With Abe
RRP €11.99 from €9.491
Brake-Pads Sinter
RRP €29.95 from €14.281
Brake-Pads Sinter With Abe
RRP €19.99 from €7.991
Brake-Pads Sinter With Abe
RRP €34.95 from €27.351
Brakepads Organic
RRP €23.99 from €15.591
Brakepads Organic
RRP €18.78 from €11.361
Brakeshoes Organic
RRP €19.95 from €13.231
Sm1 Brake Pad
RRP €17.99 €11.991
Sx Sintered Metal Brake Pad
RRP €49.92 from €35.931
Motorcycle Brake Pads

Brake pads consist of a mixture of different materials. So-called organic brake pads are made mainly from carbon compounds. Sintered metal brake pads, on the other hand, contain metallic components fused or sintered under high pressure. Which brake pads works best on which motorbike depends on the brake disc, for example, but also on the tuning of the ABS system. The rider's personal preferences also plays a role. In any event, you can be certain that Louis only sells brake pads that function reliably on the particular motorbike.

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