Motorcycle Center & Side Stands

Motorcycle Center & Side Stands

No centre stand on your bike? That can be a real nuisance. A centre stand makes the job of tensioning and lubricating your drive chain a whole lot easier. And its a great help when getting your luggage ready for the next holiday tour. So Louis offers high-quality retrofit centre stands for many different motorbikes. We also have sidestands for scooters in our range. Before buying a centre stand or sidestand, you should check which model is suitable for your machine. And the quickest way to do that, is to go to the Louis Bike Database.

central stand
RRP €269.00 from €169.991
centre stand
from €180.001
Centre Stand
Hepco & Becker
RRP €212.50 from €130.001
Centre Stand
from €170.001
Lifting Handle
Motorcycle Center & Side Stands

No centre stand on your bike? That can be a real nuisance. A centre stand makes the job of tensioning and lubricating your drive chain a whole lot easier. And its a great help when getting your luggage ready for the next holiday tour. So Louis offers high-quality retrofit centre stands for many different motorbikes. We also have sidestands for scooters in our range. Before buying a centre stand or sidestand, you should check which model is suitable for your machine. And the quickest way to do that, is to go to the Louis Bike Database.

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