Motorcycle welding materials & adhesives

Motorcycle welding materials & adhesives

A powerful bond: Instant adhesive, two-component adhesive, threadlocker, liquid metal and other metal repair products and adhesives for everything that needs to be fixed or repaired. You want to fix heated grips on your handlebar? Louis has the the perfect solution for that, too: Delo Grip Adhesive.

Anti-Seize assembly paste
(1 kg = €139.801)
Mouldable All Purpose
Tesa Sugru
RRP €5.99 €3.991
Screw Grip, 20g
(1 kg = €899.501)
Spare Mixing Nozzle Set
Louis Tech
RRP €5.49 €2.991
Tech Super Glue
Louis Tech
(1 kg = €249.501)
Tech Thread Lock
Louis Tech
(1 kg = €599.001)
(1 l = €2,798.001)
RRP €13.99 €13.501
(1 l = €3,375.001)
Motorcycle welding materials & adhesives

A powerful bond: Instant adhesive, two-component adhesive, threadlocker, liquid metal and other metal repair products and adhesives for everything that needs to be fixed or repaired. You want to fix heated grips on your handlebar? Louis has the the perfect solution for that, too: Delo Grip Adhesive.

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