Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide
Chain Slide

Chain Slide

Art. No. 10056210

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RRP €8.99 2
from €7.49 1

Chain Slide

To prevent the chain from permanently hitting or rubbing against the swing arm during off-road driving, slide rails are used. After all, there are enormously strong forces at work under engine load that can severely damage the chain and swingarm. Polisport's slide bars are perfect replicas of the OEM parts are made of TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane). Friction and abrasion of the chain can thus be reduced to a minimum. Polisport slide rails are durable and fit perfectly to your vehicle.
Manufacturer: POLISPORT PLÀSTICOS S.A. | Avenida Ferreida De Castro 818 | 3720-024 Carregosa | Portugal | +35 1256410230 | |
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