ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder
ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder
ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder
ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder
ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder
ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder
ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder
ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder
ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder
ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder

ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder


Art. No. 10055770

1 Review

RRP €115.40 2
€99.90 1

ECO SP2 set changeable plate holder CHANGBL NUMBR PLATE BRCKT

HotSwop ECO SP-2 SET for one motorbike and TWO number plates

Change system with power magnet: The HotSwop ECO enables instant, easy and reliable change of the number plate. The worldwide unique system can be used universally and is suitable for almost all motorbikes.
Thanks to the powerful patented MTF system (Magnetic-Tight-Fit), the number plate remains firmly anchored to the bike even in extreme situations. The HotSwop ECO impresses with its innovative design, high-quality materials and absolute simplicity. One handle is all it takes. Unbeatably practical!

Perfectly suited for off-road, on-road, rallies and enduro races.

- Number plates can be mounted and changed easily and in seconds without tools
- Dimensions: 80 x 40 mm
- High-quality materials: special aluminium and stainless steel
- Patented MTF technology (Magnetic-Tight-Fit)
- Directional system holding force: 150 Newton
- Permissible load: 200 g
- Including all small parts and assembly instructions
Manufacturer: HS GmbH | Melisau 1255 | 6863 Egg | Austria | +43 664 1722900 | |
Review (1)
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