Travel Novel "Jakobsweg"
Travel Novel "Jakobsweg"
Highlights Verlag

Travel Novel "Jakobsweg"


Art. No. 10053732

1 Review

€9.90 1

Travel Novel "Jakobsweg" REISEROMAN, 216 SEITEN

"Jacobsweg" ("Santiago de Compostela") - pilgrim on two wheels.

  • Is life about standing still or about change? Change, says Holger Janke. And he takes five weeks off to ride his enduro along the historic pilgrim's route, setting out from Hamburg and passing through Switzerland on his way to Santiago de Compostella, then back home by another route through France.
  • This epic 7,000 kilometre journey encompasses the full motorcycling and pilgrimage experience. In the Alps he gets soaked by the April rain, in the Pyrenees he gets lost in the snow, and the narrow trails leading to Santiago de Compostela teach him that, even with the extra-chunky enduro tyres, the motorcycle pilgrim can only get so far and no further. Far off the beaten track, Holger Janke roams through magnificent mountainous regions, passes through picturesque little towns, spends the night in cosy rifugios, meets some wonderful people and, most importantly, finds out a lot about himself.
  • This book is not just about motorcycling and going on a pilgrimage. It's also about life itself. About our daily life, our thoughts, our desires and aspirations, but also our fears. It's a road movie for motorcyclists, a travel book for fans of Santiago de Compostela, and a companion for - almost - any situation in life.
  • 216 pages, 35 colour photos, paperback
  • Only in German language!

Manufacturer: Highlights-Verlag | Talsperrenstr. 112 | 53881 Euskirchen | Deutschland | |
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