


Art. No. 60015007

29 Reviews

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€101.14 1

Shiftholder HONDA, VARIOUS

Have you come across this problem on your CB, CBR, GSX-R, R6 or RSV4? With these models from certain years, the factory gearshift shaft protrudes a long way from the engine housing and has no support, with the inevitable result that, after intensive use, the bearing bush wears and gearshifting becomes less precise and rather 'woolly'. The next thing is that oil starts to leak from the engine. In extreme cases, cracks may develop in the engine housing, or it can even fracture completely.
This design flaw can be rectified with a Gilles "Shiftholder"
Depending on the precise model of bike, this gearshaft support is equipped with needle bearings or plain bearings* and will prevent the wear described above, helping you to avoid expensive repairs, enabling you change gear precisely with a light touch, and at the same time giving your bike a professional look.


  • the Gilles "Shiftholder" stabilises the shaft, prevents it from bending and ensures that its movements are precise; long gearshift travel due to worn components is avoided
  • The needle or plain bearings ensure easy, precise gearshifting
  • No more gearshifting problems
  • Avoid the cost of repairs and spare parts due to worn original parts
  • Hard-anodised surface (titanium colour)
  • Precision engineered on CNC milling machines
  • Can be combined with any aftermarket or original footrest system

Manufacturer: Gilles Tooling GmbH | Op Der Ahlkerrech 26 | 6776 Grevenmacher | Luxemburg | +352 2678 93-1 | |
Reviews (29)
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