M-Handlebar Width 617Mm
M-Handlebar Width 617Mm
M-Handlebar Width 617Mm
M-Handlebar Width 617Mm

M-Handlebar Width 617Mm


Art. No. 10021601

9 Reviews

RRP €91.49 2
€91.23 1

M-Handlebar Width 617Mm 22 MM CHROME, TÜV-APPR.

FEHLING M-Handlebar:
M-handlebars have a considerably more sporty shape than the usual downhill bars. Because of the way the bar ends are angled more acutely relative to the rider's body, this type of handlebar provides a considerable enhancement of the ride feel. Also ideal for fitting to motorcycles from East Germany (e.g. Simson, Schwalbe etc.). High-quality chrome finish. Includes TÜV test certificate valid for Germany. Dimensions: 22 mm, W: 617, H: 120, D: 240.

Note: Aftermarket handlebars are supplied without a hole for securing the switch unit. Positioning varies depending on the bike model. Drilling into the handlebar for securing purposes is permitted: First, ensure that your new handlebar is optimally aligned with the bike. Try out the positioning of the switch units, making sure that they do not hit the tank when the handlebar is fully turned. Mark the securing hole and drill the handlebar to the right diameter. To make sure that the drill doesn't slip on the smooth handlebar tube, or if you are prone to mistakes when centre punching or somehow not drilling straight, you should use the LSL drilling jig, Order no. 10005264 (see bottom of picture). This is the sure way to avoid such mistakes.

Reviews (9)
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