Oil Filter
Oil Filter
Oil Filter
Oil Filter

Oil Filter


Art. No. 10050402

452 Reviews

Important notes

Suitable oil filter wrench (Order no. 10003407) should also be ordered, if required.

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RRP €14.99 2
€10.99 1



  • All the metal components of these high-quality brand-name oil filters are galvanised or otherwise treated to protect against corrosion.
  • The filter paper is pleated, hardened and mechanically joined to ensure 100% filtration.
  • The filter element valve has metal end plates and contains a bypass valve to ensure a perfect seal.

Important: The oil filter installation instructions MUST be followed. These can be found by clicking on "Documents´".

  • The F301 oil filter (Order no. 10050448) is replaced by F306 (Order no. 10050403). Please note the special installation instructions for the F306 (Order no. 10050403). All the relevant information can be found in our download area.
  • Due to production constraints at champion the following part numbers (10050452, 10050424) being replaced by the oil filter of the brand Hiflo.
  • If you are having trouble finding the right oil filter for your vehicle, please use our product listing in the bike database (right navigation bar).

Manufacturer: Federal Mogul Aftermarket Italia | Corso Inghilterra 2 | 12084 Mondovi'Cn | Italien | +39 045 828 1311 | info@driv.com | www.drivparts.com

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