Tom Dick Racing

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Every new customer receives free instruction on the route.
40th anniversary of motorsport in 2020
Tom Dick competed in enduro, motocross, supermoto and road racing. He won many championships and individual races and was honoured many years ago with ADAC Munich’s highest motorsport award for his sporting achievements, receiving a gold pin and certificate set with a diamond.
He has been actively looking after the next generation for 15 years and is very proud to support his son Johann with honour in his racing activities. He ended his active licence and racing ambitions years ago with the last race of the German Series Racing Championship and is very happy to be able to pass on all his knowledge of two-wheel racing and his experience gained to his team and his racing clientele. In the end, his racing experience should be to the advantage of his customers. His job is to introduce them to the limits of driving physics and impart all know-how to them, as well as to see them at his private events wearing smiles on their faces.
Tom Dick, Johann and the team are looking forward to this journey together.
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