Tallink Silja

Your LouisCard advantage: 10 % discount on the crossing/cabin and 10 % for the motorcycle
10 % discount on the crossing/cabin and 10 % for the motorcycle.
Discover Scandinavia and the Baltic states with Tallink & Silja Line’s cruise ferries. The comfortable ships of the Tallink Silja line connect the most beautiful cities of the northern Baltic Sea. All routes can be flexibly combined with each other and can be booked from a single source. On all connections, for example between Stockholm – Helsinki/Tallinn or Helsinki – Tallinn, LouisCard holders can benefit from a special price of 10 % off for passengers and motorcycles. Simply use the code "95845" when booking online or provide the code at international.sales@tallinksilja.com or by phone +49 (0)40 – 547 541 222 (call charged at landline rates).