
Your LouisCard advantage: 5 % discount on all travel offers, 10 % discount on our training offers and workshops
5 % discount on all travel offers*, 10 % discount on our training offers and workshops**.
Do you love motorbikes? So do we! As a provider of exclusive travel and training programmes, we offer unforgettable tours and professional motorbike training courses that will take your riding experience to the next level.
Exclusively for LouisCard holders:
5 % discount on all travel offers* – experience breathtaking routes and spectacular landscapes in Europe and the US!
10 % discount on our training offers and workshops** – such as our popular individual training sessions.
Benefit from our experience and enjoy motorcycling at its best. Book now and save! #moreFUNwithSAFETY since 2017
* excl. flight, ** excl. accommodation