Kroschke number plates & registration

Your LouisCard advantage: 10 € voucher for online registration and 2 € discount on number plates
Get a 10 € voucher for your online registration and a 2 € discount on your number plates now!
With Kroschke, you can register your motorbike from the comfort of your sofa: From 1 February to 31 December 2025, as a LouisCard customer, you will receive a €10 voucher for registering your bike online at Kroschke. Simply enter the code “myLouis25” when placing your order.
If you’re registering in person, you will receive a 2 € discount on your number plates at our branches. Simply show your LouisCard at the branch. As an experienced specialist in licensing with over 400 locations nationwide, we are guaranteed to have a branch near you. You can find all our branches in our location finder.