Super Shield - Brand shop

"What happens if your guardian angel isn't around?"

Easy - smart bikers come prepared. And opt for the advanced high-end products made by Super Shield. They not only offer bikers maximum tested passive safety, but also guarantee consistently high impact protection coupled with low weight. Flexibility, well-designed joint protection and wearing comfort. The retrofit protectors integrate well into clothing, adapt perfectly to every movement and are therefore ideal for the agile biker who demands top-quality, practical gear.

Easy - smart bikers come prepared. And opt for the advanced high-end products made by Super Shield. They not only offer bikers maximum tested passive safety, but also guarantee consistently high impact protection coupled with low weight. Flexibility, well-designed joint protection and wearing comfort. The retrofit protectors integrate well into clothing, adapt perfectly to every movement and are therefore ideal for the agile biker who demands top-quality, practical gear.

Products from Super Shield

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