Buy a motorcycle lock online
A good motorcycle lock can save you a lot of bother and grief. You should always use a motorcycle lock, especially when you park your motorcycle on the roadside. To protect your motorcycle from theft, there are various different motorcycle locks or a combination of more than one to choose from. You can either opt for a traditional chain lock or a brake disc lock. Alarm locks – which emit a loud warning signal in response to movement or vibration – are also becoming more and more popular. Louis also stocks a selection of U-locks. Whichever type of motorcycle lock you decide on, you will find the right one for your needs at Louis.

Motorcycle chain locks
There are different types of chain locks available for motorcycles: those that serve to close "open" drive chains and those that serve to protect against theft.
While the locks for drive chains tend to be small and inconspicuous and make a major contribution to driving safety, their eponymous cousins are designed primarily for ensuring that the bike remains where it is supposed to be and in your possession. For this reason, these locks are large, heavy and often very conspicuous – serving as a signal to warn off any potential thieves.

Motorcycle brake disc locks
These heavy, very stable and hard to break into anti-theft devices are fixed directly onto the front brake disc. This prevents the front wheel from turning by interlocking with the front fork, so that the motorcycle is extremely difficult to move.